The Larchmont Elementary School PTA is a local unit of the Virginia State PTA, which is in turn a branch of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, also known as the National PTA. The Larchmont Elementary School PTA works in partnership with NPS teachers and administrators to support the school’s educational goals through fundraising and volunteerism. The association is structured according to the Larchmont Elementary School PTA Bylaws which define procedures for the election of PTA officers, the establishment of PTA committees, member voting rights, and budgeting and spending.
Jessica Morgan
VP Membership
VP Volunteers
Taylor Caramore
Julie Suedmeyer-Buller
Recording Secretary
Elizabeth McKenzie
Corresponding Secretary
Dan Richards
What does the Larchmont Elementary PTA do exactly? How can you get involved?
Below you will find a quick reference guide for our PTA committees and associated responsibilities.
Whether you have only an hour or two to volunteer or if you are interested in a more involved role, there is a place for you within the LES PTA.
Standing & Special Committees
After school program: Mary Bauers
Coordinates third-party enrichment programs to be offered after school in the Spring; this year we are hoping to add Fall programs.
Awards: TBD
Stays informed of potential PTA award opportunities and applies for them on behalf of the PTA.
Book Fair:
Responsible for the planning and execution of the annual book fair. Book Fair usually happens in the late Fall/during holidays season.
Carnival: Lindsay Fanney and Taylor Caramore
Responsible for the planning and execution of the annual Spring carnival — starts meeting in February for April event.
Cultural Arts: Stacie Ringleb
Works closely with teachers + staff to coordinate and schedule cultural enrichment programming, and the annual Author Visit.
Fine Arts: TBD
Works closely with teachers + staff to plan and coordinate the annual Artist in Residence program.
Family Events: PTA Board
Organizes family/community events such as: Family Movie Nights, Game Nights, Parent Academy, etc.
Hospitality: Sarah Shellock and Francine Schwartz
Responsible for the organization and execution of the annual Welcome Teacher Breakfast, Meet + Greet, Open House, Holiday Cookies for Teachers, Kindergarten Open House, Administrative Professionals Appreciation Day, Teacher Appreciation Breakfast, and Teacher Appreciation Luncheon.
Marquee: TBD
Responsible for keeping the outside marquee up to date.
Legislative Affairs: Nate Kinnison
Advocates on behalf of LES PTA and the students of LES. Chairs bylaws committee to review unit bylaws each year and revise bylaws every five years. Arranges nominating committee's first meeting, providing information on nomination and election process.
Rewards Program: Mira Roberts
Organizes the publicizing, collecting and sorting the Box Tops, Labels for Education, Tyson A+ labels etc. Also encourages parents and faculty to link any grocery store and Target RED cards to our school, and the use of Amazon Smile.
Restaurant Night:
Coordinates restaurant night fundraising.
Room Parents: CJ Robison
Oversees and coordinates the Room Parent volunteers; serves as liaison between teachers, room parents, school,and PTA.
Run At Twilight (RAT): Ryan Tomberlin
Responsible for the planning and execution of the annual Fall RAT Race.
School Store/Spirit Wear: MiMi Fanney
Maintains school spirit store operations and coordinates design/sale of Spirit Wear merchandise. Also works with teachers to compile the list of supplies for the school year, work with the supply pack vendor to put together pre-packaged packs of school supplies for each grade level to be sold to parents and students, and distribute the packs when they are delivered.