DISCLOSURE: All of the following are Amazon affiliate links — which just means that if you purchase through our link, the Larchmont PTA will earn a commission on those sales.




The Price of Privelege: How Parental Pressure and Material Advantage are Creating a Generation of Disconnected and Unhappy Kids by Madeline Levine


For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood...and the Rest of Y'all Too: Reality Pedagogy and Urban Education by Christopher Emdin


Last Child In The Woods by Richard Louv


Digital Citizenship - A Community-Based Approach by Susan Bearden


Social Media Wellness by Ana Homayoun


Teach Your Children Well: Why Values and Coping Skills Matter More Than Grades, Trophies, or "Fat Envelopes" by Madeline Levine


The Blessings of a Skinned Knee and/or The Blessings of a B Minus by Wendy Mogel


Bored and Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Productive and Creative Self by Manoush Zomorodi


Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck


Building Resilience in Children and Teens by Kenneth Ginsburg


Owning Up: Empowering Adolescents to Confront Social Cruelty, Bullying, and Injustice by Rosalind Wiseman


unSpun: Finding Facts in a World of Disinformation


Hack Education by Audrey Watters


Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink


Pressured Parents, Stressed Out Kids by Wendy Grolnick


David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell


NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children: Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman