| LEOPARD Level Sponsorship more
Sponsorship level recognition includes:
Business logo displayed on the 2025 Spring Carnival website
Recognition in the LES PTA Newsletter
Option to have company flyers/swag in the Spring Carnival Pre-Order Ticket Pick Up swag bag due to the LES front office by 3 PM April 12
|  | $250.00 |
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| ROAR Level Sponsorship more
- All the benefits of LEOPARD Sponsorship, plus:
- Business partner recognition on the LES PTA Facebook page (clickable logo link to your company’s website per web update deadline)
- Your company name/logo on a sign at one of our six most trafficked carnival areas of
your choice (Confetti Eggs, Carnival Games, Pizza & Drinks, Family Eating Area, Silent Auction) limit to one per sponsor on a first-come, first-served basis
- Signage with your logo displayed in the CAR DROP-OFF LOOP during Spirit Week and at the carnival
|  | $500.00 |
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| PAWSOME Level Sponsorship more
- All the benefits of LEOPARD and ROAR Sponsorship, plus:
- Option to have one company flyer/promo sent home in the Friday Gold Folder, once during May or June (flyer deadline April 15)
- Clickable logo ad with a link to your business’ website in the PTA’s weekly email newsletter (sent to over 400 individuals) for the months of May & June (logo deadline April 15)
- Option to have a table/tent at the 2025 LES Spring Carnival; includes recognition signage and your option to display flyers/giveaway and/or have a business representative present
|  | $750.00 |
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| PRIDE Level Sponsorship more
All the benefits of LEOPARD, ROAR & PAWSOME Sponsor, plus:
- The opportunity to be the online Carnival Ticket Sales, which includes your business logo and link to your website prominently displayed on the ticket sales page header (limit to only one sponsor, one on a first-come, first-served basis); OR
- Your business featured as the cover photo on the PTA FB page for May or June (limit to only two sponsors, on a first-come, first-served basis
|  | $1,000.00 |
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| 2025 Spring Carnival Business Donation more
Gifts of any size are welcome and appreciated. Any business donation of $100 or more will be recognized with their logo on the website and our social media channels. | | $ | QTY: |
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